As with many, 2020 has been a hectic year for me as well. In my last update, I was targeting May or early summer for releasing the sequel to Ten Sigma.
Sadly, the lockdowns arrived and my busy life outside writing became busier. I also needed to handle a family medical emergency which took a few months to resolve (in a healthy way).
The good news is today I’ve finished the rough draft for Book 2: Ten Sigma – Renegade. The release date will still be several months away because I go through multiple revision passes with critique partners and beta readers as well as line edits and proofreading. However, in my writing process, this is all heading downhill, so there is light at the end of the tunnel! Since 2020 is almost gone, I’m shooting for early 2021 as a release date.
In other good news, Book 3: Ten Sigma – Echoes is in the final revision pass and only needs final editing. Yes, it will be done before Book 2 for reasons that will become apparent with the story of Ten Sigma – Renegade. I plan to release Echoes one month after Renegade.
Also, I’m contributing a Ten Sigma story for a coming Cyberpunk anthology with a whole bunch of awesome authors!
And if you’re looking for spooky, I have a short spooky horror/comedy in Autumn Nights 12, a Halloween anthology where all profits are donated to Feeding America (See author page).
Finally, I’d like to thank all the readers for their patience and support for the Ten Sigma series and wish everyone a prosperous and happy rest of 2020!
Best regards and wishes,
A.W. Wang